A sound installation.
Persimone, the fog princess, stringing up sounds, like beads on a thread. Her cheeks are flushed and her hair is dampened by mist as she climbs through the crevices of confusion. Melodrama cut up, rearranged and glued into roughly packaged collages. Unmixed and raw, the sounds guide her endeavours, like soft April sneezes. The pollen girls are awakened by the winds, sadness slivers its way through organ patches and sex appeal crawls up all six strings. Alas, the night, in two brackets, holding time and place together, keeping her safe.
A musical melodrama in ten acts.
For more info about upcoming performances: @persimone_echo
The sound piece was released on Decontrol, a tape label based in NYC.
© Above photos: Stefan Freund, Kunstpavillon
& thanks Victor Sternweiler for the video and Jan Erbelding for the bottom costume picture
For EU purchases: https://paulinanolte.bandcamp.com/releases
For US purchases: http://www.decontrol.net/releases/paulina-nolte-persimone
NYC Tape Release @ Big Bar