Zine & Window
Edition of 250
Digital print of ink drawings and photographs
Made and taken in NY 2023
33 p. / digital print / 16 x 23,5 cm
---> Get in touch if you want a copy.
There are times where my orientation plays tricks on me
I walk it circles without noticing
And for every circle I walk
I run into myself all over again

“ The dream devil knocks on my front porch. A sudden halt of all movements. Expecting her to come a little later, I hadn’t cleaned up the wet mess from the night before. Ravaged but discreet I tiptoed across the living room floor to think of a good excuse. For deep down in the belly of sleep I rest. Yet down in the wild crevice I yearn to be. I peek through the peep hole to find her leaning against a raspberry bush. In impatience she falters and in restlessness she finds fortitude. Forever in this incomplete spiral she knocks on doors and waits. Her visions written on the walls, before she moves onto the next. She shadows me. She mirrors my movements. In her reflection I find ease.”
Window exhibition with Asana Fujikawa curated by Jaemin Lee.
Schellingstr. 3 , Munich

Gefördert durch ein NEUSTARTplus-Stipendium der Stiftung Kunstfonds / NEUSTART KULTUR der BKM